
Paycheck Protection Program

PPP forgiveness step-by-step

If your loan is under $150,000, follow the SBA Forgiveness steps.

If your loan is over $150,000, follow instructions for the Scratch Forgiveness steps at the bottom of the page.


PPP Forgiveness step-by-step guide


1. Go to https://directforgiveness.sba.gov

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2. Register to start your request

Registrants will receive two emails to complete registration and grant access to the portal. Also registrants will be required to setup an SMS two-factor authentication.

Note: once you provide and verify your e-mail address, it cannot be changed.

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3. Follow the steps through "Start a New Forgiveness Request" button

For more clarification, use the "Guided Tour" option.

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4. Your application will be signed electronically via DocuSign

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5. Submit your application

Once you submit your application, you can view progress through the portal.

Note: the call center is not able to provide details to timelines of forgiveness.

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PPP Direct Forgiveness Platform User guide: https://sba-forgiveness-docs.s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com/SBA-PPP-DF-User-Guide.pdf

PPP Direct Forgiveness Hotline: +1 (877) 552-2692


Scratch Forgiveness Steps

For loans over $150,000


1. Go to https://my.scratch.fi

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2. Enter the email address or phone number used with your application

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3. Follow the simple steps to complete your application.

Based on your loan amount, different levels of supporting documentation may be required.

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4. Submit the application and the SBA will usually approve the application within 72 hours

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5. If approved, your outstanding loan balance will be reduced by the SBA approved forgiveness amounts

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PPP Forgiveness Application and form difference: https://help.scratch.fi/hc/en-us/articles/4416496423827-What-s-the-difference-between-the-different-types-of-PPP-loan-forgiveness-application-forms-

Questions: https://help.scratch.fi/hc/en-us/requests/new