Press Release

Cross River Launches Small Business Contest

Cross River

November 24, 2020
 min read

November 24, 2020

Cross River Launches Small Business Contest

#CrossRiverStartMeUp offers a $5,000 prize to give local entrepreneurs a chance to start or grow their business

FORT LEE, N.J. - Cross River, a technology-focused financial services organization, today announced the launch of its first #CrossRiverStartMeUp Small Business Contest, where New Jersey entrepreneurs can submit their business pitch for a chance to win $5,000 in funding and the opportunity to meet with Cross River’s CEO, Gilles Gade about their business ideas.

“As we approach the holiday season, a time of giving, we are thrilled to kick off the first ever #CrossRiverStartMeUp Contest,” said Eden Hoffman, Head of Communications at Cross River. “Small businesses are the engine of our economy, and this initiative is a way for us to showcase some of the very best entrepreneurs here in our home state of New Jersey.”

The #CrossRiverStartMeUp Contest is open to entrepreneurs of all size in New Jersey and will run through December 14th, 2020. Both new business concepts and small businesses that are already off the ground are eligible and one winner will be chosen on December 18th, 2020. Official Rules, application and more information can be found at

Cross River is known for its innovative financial solutions, driven by its mission of providing financial resources to those in need. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Cross River has been working to help small businesses, the backbone of the economy, get back on their feet. As one of the leading lenders in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Cross River provided financial lifelines to nearly 200,000 small businesses in every sector and state. The Company has also been working with community stakeholders across the country to provide financial literacy programming and workshops. Most recently, Cross River announced its Entrepreneur Training Program (“ETP”) together with Operation HOPE, a free, 8-week workshop for entrepreneurs which covers the fundamentals of starting a business. Two cohorts of the Program have already graduated, and a third cohort will commence on February 23, 2021.
